Getting AS9100 Certified in Laredo, Texas (TX)
What precisely is AS9100? AS9100 is an aerospace specification (AS) published by the International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG) in compliance with the globally accepted ISO 9001 guidelines. Both AS9100 and ISO 9001 are guidelines that provide the organization’s specifications for adopting a Quality Management System ( QMS); furthermore, AS9100 is being updated for space, defense and space organizations.
AS9100 is focused on the specifications of ISO 9001 and it is best to address this standard first. ISO 9001 is a globally recognized standard issued by ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) for quality control systems. The specifications are recognized worldwide as an appropriate foundation for the introduction of a QMS and were last revised in 2015, and it is referred to as ISO 9001:2015.

What AS9100?
The AS9100 framework is a series of standards for applying a QMS (often referred to as the aerospace industry) for usage by aircraft, space, and security organizations. The quality is developed by the International Aerospace Performance Association, which comprises members from major aerospace firms. The standard is often referred to erroneously as ‘ISO 9100;’ indeed, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) does not maintain AS9100. Instead, it builds on the criteria for a quality management program as specified in the specifications of the ISO 9001 Quality Management System.
Although the ISO 9001 specification is widely adopted by so many companies around the globe, AS9100 is expressly updated, with certain legislative specifications, for aerospace industries. What the IAQG has done is to take the specifications of ISO 9001:2015 in their entirety, and then apply them to different criteria of the aerospace quality control program without eliminating any current standards, thereby establishing the AS9100 Revision D standard; and such amendments appear in bold and italics in the text.

Who Does it apply to?
AS9100 designation may be utilized in the whole aerospace supply chain from airport and airline facilities construction and engineering, spare components, procurement and servicing, freight storage, overhaul and repair depots, and flight operations.
What are some of the benefits of AS9100 Quality certification? The AS 9100 certification provides the following advantages:
- Provides exposure to the best practices of the aerospace industry
- Shows your dedication to providing premium goods and services to your customers
- Introduces your QMS to the extent of the universal standard embraced by the aerospace industry
- Increases the current business/potential consumer opportunities worldwide
- Decreases various demands and amount of 2nd and 3rd party audits
Additional specifications have been rendered for other ISO 9001 clauses within AS9100. Most are focused on current standard practices that have been incorporated into AS9100 to ensure suppliers fulfill the standards of the industry. Core supplemental specifications include:
Main characteristics
The model offers instructions for how to handle variability while defining a “key characteristic.” Keys are features of a commodity, process or component of which the variance greatly affects product function, efficiency, manufacturing or service existence.
System maintenance
Key to maintaining 50-year plus life-cycle aerospace products. The configuration management cycle will commence at the design-and-development phase of the system and proceed through the entire value chain, ensuring knowledge and monitoring of the practical and physical properties of the goods.
Product realization preparation is important for successful and productive processes. The standard stresses preparation to guarantee the availability of conforming goods across all stages of product realization.